Wednesday, November 29, 2006

"Thanksgiving was delightfull"

Man I completely piged out on thanksgiving. I stuffed my face with delicious food prepared by my moma. she pre-prepared the turkey at night so in the morning she just had to put it in the oven. so by the time I got up it was ready, i ate a whole turkey leg and some of the turkey brest. I was so good. Then I rested for a while and then I left to go help out my friend, he was installing a new floor at his house. All that hard work got me ready for the next part, the plan was that we where going to all meet up at my aunty's house. There each of my relatives brought their own dish. I love this because I get to try out all kinds of food. They all prepare their turkey in different ways. my favorite was of course my mom's rouseted turkey. Althought all that food was good I did have a dissapointment. I love pecan pie, and last year we had about five of them but this year we didn't get any. ;-( I realy did want some, and lucky for me my honey brought me one to my work the next day, (she's sucgh a sweet heart) she knows that one way to get to me is by my stomach!!

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