Thursday, October 19, 2006

Barcelona in Champions Leage

If your a soccer fan, than there's nothing more exting then watching the champions leage.
You get to watch the greatest of all the teams in in world competing to show that they are the best of them all. Yesturdays match was between Barcelona and Chelsea. Barcelona won the championship last year both forthe Champions leage and for the Spain leage, which is where the team comes from. Barcelona is my favorite team because every one of their matches are exiting to watch. They got some of the worlds greatest players like last years worl player and one of Brazils finest, Ronaldinho, and one the greatest to become at a current age of only 19 , Messi from Argentina, and Mexicos finest Defender, Rafa Marquez, and one of the greatest strikers Eto' from Cameron, Eto' is curently not playing because of an injury and it shows that the team is not the same with out him because they lost to Chelsea yesturday. It was a good match because Chelsea is my favorite team from the English premier, I was exited about the match but dissapointed that Barceona lost. The rematch is goin to be on Oct. 31, which I'm lokking forward and exited to watch.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

did you go see them when they played in houston -- gosh, must have been august or september?