Wednesday, October 11, 2006

No more soccer

I haven't played soccer in like for ever. I use to play every
weekend that I went to Austin, but then they decided to
switch my schedule around. Know I have to go in earlier
and I get out later. I hate work because it always gets in
the way of me having fun. Even when I was at high school,
I had to work to have all the cool things that the rest of the
kids had. I was dumb to want those things because I realy
didn't need them, too bad I couldn't figure that out earlier.
I thought I would be left out and people wouldn't want to
talk to me, but I shouldn't have cared about that. Now I
have to live with the regret of working, because it made me
give up doing the things I loved, like sports and joining clubs.
I wish that I could stop working now, but it's imposible.
I got so much to pay for, like the finall istallment of my tuition
and my phone bill. What sucks is that I'm preety much going
to be working for the rest of my college life in order to pay for
it. It hate it but I got no other choice, I could haved gone to
ACC but I thought about it and researched that employers
preefer if you go to a 4 year college for all 4 years. I hope that
in the end every thing pays off.

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