I went to go see Edward Olmos, at the speech he gave.
I thought he was great, he really spoked of the truth and
made you think of the stuff that goes on around you.
What I really liked was the part after he gave the speech.
He showed one of his newest films called, WALK OUT, at the
LBJ theather. It was funny cause they got it of the internet illigully
but he was like,"it's my movie I can do what ever I want", this showed
the type of person he is, he is pasionate a bout his work and doesnt really
care about the money. All he wants is to really get to people and
hopefully inspire them like on hiw well-known movie STAND AND DELIVER.
WALK OUT was a sad thing to watch because it almost seems unreal.
It showed an important event that shaped this country towards equal education.
It showed a very good way of non-violence protest. The sad part about it was
when the students were beatened by the police for really no reason. It was
immotional to see that ispite of getting beatened the students went out the
next day and marched again.
I really liked that Edward Olmos stayed after the movie to take questions and
talk to us. He is a very smart person, beacuse he talked about the serous things
that are hapenning around us and how we need to open our eyes.
*If You ever get the chance to go hear one of Edward OLmos' speech I
stongly advice you to go. And I recomend to see his movies, specially
WALK OUT, I'm sereous, it almost made me cry.
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