Wednesday, November 29, 2006
I miss her
Evry time I go home on the weekends all I look forward to is to be with Sara. But every time I see her I end up missing her even more. And we don't really spend alot of time together because we both work so we always have to see each other all late. is though especially for her, and that makes me feel bad, but we really love each other and hopefully our bond will be grater than our distance.
"Thanksgiving was delightfull"
Man I completely piged out on thanksgiving. I stuffed my face with delicious food prepared by my moma. she pre-prepared the turkey at night so in the morning she just had to put it in the oven. so by the time I got up it was ready, i ate a whole turkey leg and some of the turkey brest. I was so good. Then I rested for a while and then I left to go help out my friend, he was installing a new floor at his house. All that hard work got me ready for the next part, the plan was that we where going to all meet up at my aunty's house. There each of my relatives brought their own dish. I love this because I get to try out all kinds of food. They all prepare their turkey in different ways. my favorite was of course my mom's rouseted turkey. Althought all that food was good I did have a dissapointment. I love pecan pie, and last year we had about five of them but this year we didn't get any. ;-( I realy did want some, and lucky for me my honey brought me one to my work the next day, (she's sucgh a sweet heart) she knows that one way to get to me is by my stomach!!
Monday, November 13, 2006

I usually don't have time to do much on the weekend because I
go to work. But last week I took some time to take my nieces to
chuck e cheeses. I actually had a good time taking care of them.
I like being with little kids the're alot of fun because you never
know what they'll do or say. I love kids but not planning on having
any for ny time soon. But when I do it's gonna be preety fun
onece they are old enough to walk or run because i'm going to
take them to do all kinds of outdoor activities.
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
did any one catch the cowboys game? man they sucked, they realy need a new qb
they're always throwing interceptions and they always do it at the time when its critical to win.
I liked how in yesturdays game parcells decided to put romo in instead of bledsoe
at least romo is lest likely to get sacked because he has more moving ability. I think that the cowboys should haved been playing romo all this time, he did make mistakes yesturday but it was a hard game and it was like his first game since he never gets any playing time. I think that they should stick with him and give him more playing time so that way he'll get more experience and will be less likey yo make mistakes.
they're always throwing interceptions and they always do it at the time when its critical to win.
I liked how in yesturdays game parcells decided to put romo in instead of bledsoe
at least romo is lest likely to get sacked because he has more moving ability. I think that the cowboys should haved been playing romo all this time, he did make mistakes yesturday but it was a hard game and it was like his first game since he never gets any playing time. I think that they should stick with him and give him more playing time so that way he'll get more experience and will be less likey yo make mistakes.
Thursday, October 19, 2006
Barcelona in Champions Leage
If your a soccer fan, than there's nothing more exting then watching the champions leage.
You get to watch the greatest of all the teams in in world competing to show that they are the best of them all. Yesturdays match was between Barcelona and Chelsea. Barcelona won the championship last year both forthe Champions leage and for the Spain leage, which is where the team comes from. Barcelona is my favorite team because every one of their matches are exiting to watch. They got some of the worlds greatest players like last years worl player and one of Brazils finest, Ronaldinho, and one the greatest to become at a current age of only 19 , Messi from Argentina, and Mexicos finest Defender, Rafa Marquez, and one of the greatest strikers Eto' from Cameron, Eto' is curently not playing because of an injury and it shows that the team is not the same with out him because they lost to Chelsea yesturday. It was a good match because Chelsea is my favorite team from the English premier, I was exited about the match but dissapointed that Barceona lost. The rematch is goin to be on Oct. 31, which I'm lokking forward and exited to watch.
You get to watch the greatest of all the teams in in world competing to show that they are the best of them all. Yesturdays match was between Barcelona and Chelsea. Barcelona won the championship last year both forthe Champions leage and for the Spain leage, which is where the team comes from. Barcelona is my favorite team because every one of their matches are exiting to watch. They got some of the worlds greatest players like last years worl player and one of Brazils finest, Ronaldinho, and one the greatest to become at a current age of only 19 , Messi from Argentina, and Mexicos finest Defender, Rafa Marquez, and one of the greatest strikers Eto' from Cameron, Eto' is curently not playing because of an injury and it shows that the team is not the same with out him because they lost to Chelsea yesturday. It was a good match because Chelsea is my favorite team from the English premier, I was exited about the match but dissapointed that Barceona lost. The rematch is goin to be on Oct. 31, which I'm lokking forward and exited to watch.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
No more soccer
I haven't played soccer in like for ever. I use to play every
weekend that I went to Austin, but then they decided to
switch my schedule around. Know I have to go in earlier
and I get out later. I hate work because it always gets in
the way of me having fun. Even when I was at high school,
I had to work to have all the cool things that the rest of the
kids had. I was dumb to want those things because I realy
didn't need them, too bad I couldn't figure that out earlier.
I thought I would be left out and people wouldn't want to
talk to me, but I shouldn't have cared about that. Now I
have to live with the regret of working, because it made me
give up doing the things I loved, like sports and joining clubs.
I wish that I could stop working now, but it's imposible.
I got so much to pay for, like the finall istallment of my tuition
and my phone bill. What sucks is that I'm preety much going
to be working for the rest of my college life in order to pay for
it. It hate it but I got no other choice, I could haved gone to
ACC but I thought about it and researched that employers
preefer if you go to a 4 year college for all 4 years. I hope that
in the end every thing pays off.
weekend that I went to Austin, but then they decided to
switch my schedule around. Know I have to go in earlier
and I get out later. I hate work because it always gets in
the way of me having fun. Even when I was at high school,
I had to work to have all the cool things that the rest of the
kids had. I was dumb to want those things because I realy
didn't need them, too bad I couldn't figure that out earlier.
I thought I would be left out and people wouldn't want to
talk to me, but I shouldn't have cared about that. Now I
have to live with the regret of working, because it made me
give up doing the things I loved, like sports and joining clubs.
I wish that I could stop working now, but it's imposible.
I got so much to pay for, like the finall istallment of my tuition
and my phone bill. What sucks is that I'm preety much going
to be working for the rest of my college life in order to pay for
it. It hate it but I got no other choice, I could haved gone to
ACC but I thought about it and researched that employers
preefer if you go to a 4 year college for all 4 years. I hope that
in the end every thing pays off.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
Edward Olmos

I went to go see Edward Olmos, at the speech he gave.
I thought he was great, he really spoked of the truth and
made you think of the stuff that goes on around you.
What I really liked was the part after he gave the speech.
He showed one of his newest films called, WALK OUT, at the
LBJ theather. It was funny cause they got it of the internet illigully
but he was like,"it's my movie I can do what ever I want", this showed
the type of person he is, he is pasionate a bout his work and doesnt really
care about the money. All he wants is to really get to people and
hopefully inspire them like on hiw well-known movie STAND AND DELIVER.
WALK OUT was a sad thing to watch because it almost seems unreal.
It showed an important event that shaped this country towards equal education.
It showed a very good way of non-violence protest. The sad part about it was
when the students were beatened by the police for really no reason. It was
immotional to see that ispite of getting beatened the students went out the
next day and marched again.
I really liked that Edward Olmos stayed after the movie to take questions and
talk to us. He is a very smart person, beacuse he talked about the serous things
that are hapenning around us and how we need to open our eyes.
*If You ever get the chance to go hear one of Edward OLmos' speech I
stongly advice you to go. And I recomend to see his movies, specially
WALK OUT, I'm sereous, it almost made me cry.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
It rained like crazy this past weekend at Asutin. I was at work when
the storm began. The sky got all dark aand the rain came pouring down.
Then came a bunch of lightning and thunder. I was tryng to take a picture
with my phone but I kept pressing the butoon all late, while I was doing
that the lights went out at my job. What suked was that all that happened
when I was about to leave work. I love the rain because we really need it
but I just wish it would haved waited untill I got home, because I had to
wait for the night crew to get there and they took for ever because of
the storm. I felt like jumpping in the rain but I had just recovered from
being sick, so I couldn't risk getting sick again.
the storm began. The sky got all dark aand the rain came pouring down.
Then came a bunch of lightning and thunder. I was tryng to take a picture
with my phone but I kept pressing the butoon all late, while I was doing
that the lights went out at my job. What suked was that all that happened
when I was about to leave work. I love the rain because we really need it
but I just wish it would haved waited untill I got home, because I had to
wait for the night crew to get there and they took for ever because of
the storm. I felt like jumpping in the rain but I had just recovered from
being sick, so I couldn't risk getting sick again.
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